Simplex Pam Relay Wiring Diagram. Thats why we offer a wide range of replacement parts and components like the Simplex PAM-SD epoxy encapsulated remote relay 4098-9843. Air Products Controls Inc.
This is why we allow the books compilations in this website. Simplex detectors per IDC 2 mA maximum for detectors with relay bases use high current e xpansion modules see chart on page 7. The circuit to activate relay 4 is 120 volts from terminal R1 contacts 3-1 of relay 3 activates if box circuit is complete the supervisory current adjustable resistor relay contact 5AL the external gong circuit the gong circuit compensating resistor and contact 5BL.
Get Free Simplex 4100 Installation Manual Wiring Diagram Simplex 4100 Installation Manual Wiring Diagramstsongstdlight font size 12 format When people should go to the ebook stores search opening by shop shelf by shelf it is truly problematic.
When wiring the Relay IAM provide a minimum of ΒΌ-inch spacing between IDNet wiring and contact wiring. Page 2 General Each of these diagrams shows the wiring for a particular module or card or base which can be used with the AS44281 version of the Simplex 4100U Fire Alarm system. APC-PAM SD WHT BLU YEL RED ORG Encapsulated Relay Package typical of 2088-9021 PAM-1 and 4098-9843 PAM-SD Specifications Continued Encapsulated Relays see page 2 for dimensions Connections 18 AWG 082 mm2 color-coded wire leads Relay 2088-9021 Contact Ratings 10 A 120 VAC resistive Coil. Simplex 4098-9843 PAM-SD relay.