Phase Diagram Of Ki H2o System. Discuss how phase rule can be applied to the phase boundaries and phase regions. In this video series of phase rule yogi sir will be covering all the topics of phase rule from bsc to msc level.

From slope of the curve it reveals that the solubility of KI increases with the. In the phase diagram of the ternary system Na2SO4 NaCl H2O at 31315 K the crystallization region of Na2SO4 was significantly larger than the crystallization region of NaCl. At higher temperatures it undergoes a solid state disproportionation reaction to KAg 4 I 5 and KI.
From slope of the curve it reveals that the solubility of KI increases with the.
The phase equilibria in the XeH2O system have been studied by the DTA technique under hydrostatic pressures up to 15 000 bar in a temperature range from -25 C to 100 C. The equilibrium solid phases were also determined by chemical analysis and X-ray powder diffraction. The temperature of its decomposition into water solution and gas. Solution for Draw a complete phase diagram for One-component system of H2O.