Imvu Female Skin Template. It contains 1 face and 1 body template. PLZ CREDIT ME FOR USING THIS SKIN TEMPLATE I love helping others at creating so I figured I would just make a skin template for you guys I create all of my skin temps and would love to reseave love back.

Imvu Skin Template Female FREE DOWNLOAD. The psd version of this file works only with photoshop. Composite Skin Composite skin is the technical name for an item of clothing that is skin tight but does not override the skin texture.
No one else can legally have the same template I never sell or share my textures.
I have resell rights from Fleshed on this file. PLZ CREDIT ME FOR USING THIS SKIN TEMPLATE I love helping others at creating so I figured I would just make a skin template for you guys I create all of my skin temps and would love to reseave love back. CHIC skins are made from scratch without any template other than IMVUs own 000 degree base template. - flat images not psd i do not sell psds from my skins cause those are the products that took me ALOT of time to make so selling only flats psds got only me - few tones- high qualityTRY IT HEREhttps.